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Окно термической резки стали Ottostumm FERROFINESTRA®


Inspired by the beauty of the historical hot-rolled steel windows of the late 19th century, Ferrofinox W75 TB (thermal break) is a distinctive system for steel windows and doors that preserves that authentic beauty while implementing it with the most advanced performance. Developed by Russian design and produced with Swiss high technology, Ferrofinox W75 TB – with its elegant and minimalistic profiles-allows the realization of extraordinary wide openings providing excellent thermal инсулатион. The 75 mm p...

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Inspired by the beauty of the historical hot-rolled steel windows of the late 19th century, Ferrofinox W75 TB (thermal break) is a distinctive system for steel windows and doors that preserves that authentic beauty while implementing it with the most advanced performance.
Developed by Russian design and produced with Swiss high technology, Ferrofinox W75 TB – with its elegant and minimalistic profiles-allows the realization of extraordinary wide openings providing excellent thermal инсулатион. The 75 mm profile depth can accommodate energy-efficient insulating glass units up to 52 mm and the fiberglass-reinforced polyamide insulator guarantees remarkable heat transmission coefficient.
the system consists of 25 profile geometries, windows and doors in any type of opening, including tilt and turn, pivoting, sliding, and bi-folding openings, with flush or overlapping design.
It is available in bright and galvanized steel, stainless steel and Cor-Ten steel, in all their fascinating textures and finishings. It is also offered in the prestigious architectural bronze, a timeless and noble metal, with the series Bronzofinox B75 TB.
Ideal for restoration works, and fascinating in the most modern architecture, Ferrofinox W75 TB meets the needs of the Most daring projects, with a significant impact on energy-efficiency.

Окно термической резки стали
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