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Распашная дверь с выдвижными петлями Anyway Doors BKO

Anyway Doors
  • Коллекция: BKO

BKO: minimal door frame fitted entirely within the finished wall The minimal BKO frame is placed ‘within’ the finished doorjambs. The doorjambs can be finished in plaster, drywall, wood и т. д. The BKO-frame is screwed directly on to the finished doorjambs using rubber anti-vibration shims. The paintable joint of 2.5 mm between the anodized aluminium profile and wall finish is levelled off smoothly. ANYWAYdoors are always placed in the center of the wall thickness. This центральная позиция ensures an ide...

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BKO: minimal door frame fitted entirely within the finished wall
The minimal BKO frame is placed ‘within’ the finished doorjambs. The doorjambs can be finished in plaster, drywall, wood и т. д.
The BKO-frame is screwed directly on to the finished doorjambs using rubber anti-vibration shims. The paintable joint of 2.5 mm between the anodized aluminium profile and wall finish is levelled off smoothly.
ANYWAYdoors are always placed in the center of the wall thickness. This центральная позиция ensures an identical view on both sides of the door. Off-center is possible, but never flush with The wall surface. Внешняя линия дверного листа остается по крайней мере с края для монтажа и стабилизации.
This door frame system is the most popular solution because it is easy to fit and doesn't require any pre-installed parts.
Technical specifications:
The anodised aluminium bko-frame measures 48 x 25 mm and is fitted in the centre of the готовое открытие двери. This position prevents Fix, cracks, loosening and makes the walls visually identical from both rooms. The joint of at least 2.5 mm is finished off at a right angle with a paintable sealant.
The BKO-frame is available in both a matte silver and black anodized finish.
the door leaf is fitted into the block door BKO-profile using concealed self-closing pivot hinges, attached to the bko frame. The hinge position remains interchangeable between the left and right сторона дверной рамы. Visually 25 mm bko profile remains visible around the door leaf. Floor transitions or setting joints should be in the center of the doorway. Skirting on the inside of the door opening is touched-up afterwards.
Preparation: finished doorjambs + floors
After installation: touch up skirting boards & paint sealant joint.
ANYWAYdoors features:
ANYWAYdoors are made entirely from maintenance free and high-tech materials such as anodized aluminium and Resopal Massiv full core HPL of 3 mm thickness. The finishing possibilities are nearly endless because every door is custom made.
- Invisible self-closing pivot hinges
- Adjustable 1-way or 2-way swing/ opening
- Adjustable hinge side
- Hands-free & silent locking mechanism
- Integrated finger crush protection
- built-in handles
- Made-to-measure

линия дверей, изготовленная из минимальной алюминиевой рамы BKO и скрытых петель.
регулируемая диафрагма в обоих направление.
панели из HPL 3 мм или стекла. Настраиваемая отделка по желанию заказчика.

Anyway Doors
Распашная дверь с выдвижными петлями
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